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© Pohl Anna Valeska, Mutter der bambule.babys / Foto: Juliane Zitzlsperger

Anna Valeska Pohl, bambule.babys

Theater / Schauspiel
Film / Video
Kulturvermittlung / pädagogische Tätigkeit

Anna Valeska Pohl
E-Mail: ZWQuc3liYWItZWx1Ym1hYiRhbm5h
Website: www.anna-valeska-pohl.de
Website: www.bambule-babys.de


Lesung für Amnesty International am 04. Februar 2018 um 19h im Turmtheater:


Premiere von "Von der Finsternis ins Licht" am Freitag, den 23. Februar 2018 um 19h im Theater am Bahnhof Abendsberg; weitere Infos: https://www.keb-regensburg.de/bildungsprojekte/glaube-religionen/bibel-auf-der-buehne/

My home is not my home: Workshop & Performance-Lab anlässlich des Treffpunkt-Festivals (1.- 4. März 2018); Performance am 03.03.2018 im Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie; mehr Infos: https://www.bambule-babys.de/lab

Baby Paradise, coming out soon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On2riWNOB-Y

bambule.babys, Baby Paradise © Baby Paradise, Anna Valeska Pohl, bambule.babys, photo: Robert FischerCecilia in New York, Picasso Machinery, Brooklyn, New York © Cecilia in Picasso Machinery, NYC, Anna Valeska Pohl, bambule.babys, photo: Keti Kartvelibambule.babys, Baby Paradise © Baby Paradise, Anna Valeska Pohl, bambule.babys, photo: Robert Fischerbambule.babys, Cecilia arising © Cecilia in Sigismundkapelle, Anna Valeska Pohl, bambule.babys, photo: Robert Fischer

Steckbrief / Werdegang


is a freelance theatre & film maker, considering herself a philosopher & feminist. She is the creative mind behind her own performance group bambule.babys (https://www.bambule-babys.de/). Both as a writer-director as well as a performer she explores the codes and phenomena that define our identity in our postmodern times and beyond. She is a 'daring explorer determined to experiment'.

Anna Pohl studied in the Actor Warrior Intensive for creating theatre at Stella Adler Studio NYC in 2015 under acclaimed director John Gould Rubin, former Broadway actor Michael Milligan and collaborative theatre maker Suzi Takahashi. She also appeared in the Brooklyn underground art scene with her own performances, including street performances. Throughout Bavaria she has collaborated with different artists' collectives and has appeared in leading roles in dance theatre productions such as "Chemical Romance" and "Woyzeck".

After having founded her own group bambule.babys, Anna Pohl was the first performance artist and theatre maker to be awarded with a fellowship of the Oswald Zitzelsberger Art and Culture Foundation in Regensburg 2015/2016, as well as a residency at Virginia Center for Creative Arts, USA as a fellowship holder of Künstlerhaus Oberpfalz 2016

Anna Pohl holds a Master's degree in philosophy, classical Greek studies and modern German literature Studies of the University of Munich. Her Master thesis focuses on politics and aesthetics in the work of Hannah Arendt. Her artistic work is based on her studies in Greek mythology and tragedy and continues to be inspired by modern theory and philosophy.

In addition she works with adolescents, disabled people and prisoners on devised theatre projects and short films.

Bisherige Werke / Publikationen / Auftritte / Veranstaltungen


Theatrical Performances: original pieces and performance series

- Baby Paradise. Coming out.

- Cecilia arising. Sigismund Chapel. Regensburg, Bavaria. April 2016.

- Cecilia Baby. Picasso Machinery. Brooklyn, NYC. June 2015.

- MUTANTENGESCHLECHT. Das junge Herrscherpaar stellt sich vor (House of Mutants). Theatre of University. Regensburg, Bavaria. July 2014.

- MUTANTENGESCHLECHT. Wir brauchen Masken (House of Mutants). Campus Festival. Regensburg, Bavaria. June 2014.

- MUTANTENGESCHLECHT. Vor den Toiletten feilschen wir mit unserer Kunst (House of Mutants). Abandoned Shop & Public Space. Regensburg, Bavaria. May 2014.

- MUTANTENGESCHLECHT. Fragmente der Kindheit. Kunstverein Graz. Regensburg, Bavaria. March 2014. (Start of the performance cycle MUTANTENGESCHLECHT / HOUSE OF MUTANTS based on the Antigone myth).

Videos (selection)

- Baby Paradise. Barbie Doll Porn. Anti-porn. Short film. Currently in post-production.

- MUTANTENGESCHLECHT / House of Mutants. Short film. 20 minutes. Presented at local cinemas and coffee shops in 2015.

- CRAVE (GIER). Short film about a girl with an eating disorder. Produced 2013. Unpublished. To be further developed.