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Kreon, bambule.babys© Michael Pöpperl, bambule.babys

Michael Pöpperl, bambule.babys

Theater / Schauspiel
Film / Video


bambule.babys, MUTANTENGESCHLECHT © Michael Pöpperl, bambule.babys, MUTANTENGESCHLECHT, Foto: Atelier Farbenblindbambule.babys, MUTANTENGESCHLECHT. Vor den Toiletten feilschen wir mit unserer Kunst © Michael Pöpperl, bambule.babys, MUTANTENGESCHLECHT, Foto: Atelier Farbenblindbambule.babys, MUTANTENGESCHLECHT, Kreon © Michael Pöpperl, bambule.babys, MUTANTENGESCHLECHT, Kreon, Foto: Paul Langebambule.babys, MUTANTENGESCHLECHT © Michael Pöpperl, bambule.babys, MUTANTENGESCHLECHT, Foto: Atelier Farbenblind

Steckbrief / Werdegang

Michael Pöpperl is a freelance actor.

He is co-founder of bambule.babys and the backbone of the group. He is an actor with multiple other skills based on his diverse experiences.
As a self-educated freelance actor he learned the basic tools of his craft from his acting teacher Karl-Heinz Frankl in Straubing, Bavaria.
Already in his youth he participated in several festivals throughout Germany such as the Theatertreffen der Jugend with the devised piece "Heiligeisdorf / Saint Ice Village" (2002). Inspired by the tradition of kritisches Volkstheater he is drawn to the underdogs of society. In characters like Woyzeck (2012) he explores the fathomless within us.
He has always worked both on and off stage. He has been engaged as a technician, a stage manager and an executive producer for various theatrical productions of free groups from Bavaria as well as other countries. For example he co-produced and acted in "Am Abgrund / On the edge" (2009), a performance which takes place in a condemned building, by Russian director Alexander Strakhov.
Like many artists he grappled with his own social identity for many years, before finally finding his voice as a professional artist in 2012, and decided on a career in acting, cofounding bambule.babys in 2013.
Since then he has worked in over 15 professional productions. As an actor he works with acclaimed Bavarian writer-director Joseph Berlinger as well as the internationally awarded artistic collective SIGNA. He has appeared in SIGNA's "Söhne & Söhne" at Schauspielhaus Hamburg 2015/16 and in "Wir Hunde / Us dogs" at Wiener Festwochen 2016.