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International Youth Conference: We R international

Fourth International Youth Conference from July 28th to August 3rd 2024

Welcome to Regensburg!

Young people are our future!

As we face increasing political instabilities, wars and extremist trends it is important to support all over the world young people’s commitment and openmindedness.

This future cannot work without thinking outside the box. There is no everyday life without global networks and cooperation. Goal of the International Youth Conference is to create a lasting effect on understanding, exchanges and tolerance across national borders.

During the fourth conference the main focus was on actual political and societal themes. The motto “Global? Local? Cooperate together!” provided a framework for controversial discussions about current topics and encourages young people’s participation. The various workshop topics were proposed by the young people.

The 4th International Youth Conference was financially supported by "Forum Internationaler Jugendaustausch Regensburg" (FIJR).

Fotografie - Gruppenfoto der Teilnehmer/-innen an der JugendkonferenzGruppenfoto der Teilnehmer/-innen an der Jugendkonferenz © Bilddokumentaton Stadt Regensburg


Young people aged 15-18 from each of the sister cities of Regensburg and young people from Regensburg were invited to attend the International Youth Conference.

This year 41 young people from Regensburg and its sister cities followed our invitation.

At certain points in the program political representatives and other invites guests took part as well.

Photos and video documentation

Here you can find some photos and the video documentation of the 4th International Youth Conference 2024. For more details please have a look at the print documentation which will be published soon. 

The International Youth Conference 2024 was financially supported by "Forum Internationaler Jugendaustausch Regensburg" (FIJR).

Fotografie - Internationale Jugendkonferenz 2022 - Wegweiser zu den Regensburger PartnerstädtenFotografie – Oberbürgermeisterin Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer eröffnet die 4. Internationale Jugendkonferenz in RegensburgFotografie - Jugendliche der Jugendkonferenz beim Fashion-Workshop Fotografie – Jugendliche der Jugendkonferenz beim Workshop FieldrecordingFotografie - Eine Gruppe der Internationalen Jugendkonferenz auf dem Weg ins Stadtzentrum Fotografie - Jugendliche der Jugendkonferenz beim Workshop unter dem Motto „Media World“ Fotografie - Jugendliche der Jugendkonferenz beim Performance-Workshop Fotografie - Jugendliche der Jugendkonferenz beim Rap-Workshop Fotografie - Jugendliche der Jugendkonferenz führen beim Abschlussabend ein Schwarzlichttheater auf

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Weitere Informationen

Forum Internationaler Jugendaustausch Regensburg

The eigth twin cities of Regensburg



Melanie Dahri
Altes Rathaus
Rathausplatz 1
Zimmer: 2
93047 Regensburg

(0941) 507-1107
(0941) 507-1109


Anja Kink
Altes Rathaus
Rathausplatz 1
Zimmer: 2
93047 Regensburg

(0941) 507-2102
(0941) 507-1109


Barbara Stadler
Amt für kommunale Jugendarbeit
Domplatz 3
Zimmer: 230
93047 Regensburg

(0941) 507-7556
(0941) 507-4559