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05. März 2021

KKB 05. März Schneemann
Schneemann © Matilda Necker (7a)

Schneemann (Matilda Necker, 7a)

KKB 05. März Gemeinsames Spiel
Gemeinsames Spiel mit dem Drachen © Finn Englsperger (5b)

Gemeinsames Spiel mit dem Drachen

Märchen als Mutmacher? Auf jeden Fall Vielfalt und manchmal Aktualität. Viel Vergnügen beim Lesen und Hören!

Hier gehts zum Onlinebuch (Bookcreator)

Leierkasten von Dimitri Schostakowitsch (Sophia Ganchev, 6b)

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KKB 05. März Cartoon
Cartoons on Homeschooling ©

Cartoons on Homeschooling

Cartoon Analysis:

In this cartoon you can see some children sitting in their home doing the tasks they got during home schooling. They don´t look stressed at all, while sitting in front of laptops surrounded by school books and pens, wondering what their mom is doing outside. She can be seen in the background of the picture and seems pretty scared and overwhelmed with the situation. A police officer, who says running away from home schooling her kids isn´t a valid reason to be out of her house, is standing right next to her writing a ticket for her not following the rules of the government. So you can tell that she can´t handle the situation of teaching her three kids the stuff, which their teachers would usually do. That all is referred to occasions, which are very common today, because millions of students have to learn school subjects at home, so instead of their teachers helping them, it´s the parents turn, which can be really hard for them. The woman in this cartoon was even so stressed, that the only thing she wanted, was to escape from this obligations. But the thing she forgot is that many countries have a ban on going out, which is leading into fines when leaving one´s own house without a valid reason, like driving to work or visiting a doctor.

To sum it all up you can say that this cartoon is meant to be ironic about the today´s situation with corona and also to show the hard work the students parents´ have to fulfill, because of the schools being closed.

Klasse: 10b