Within the framework of the EU project REDISCOVER, all project partners were called upon to identify their respective "stock" of Jewish cultural heritage. In concrete terms this means: which material e.g. buildings, houses, synagogues and immaterial goods e.g. traditions, lore, literature, gastronomy have existed and still exist? The aim was thus to depict the development and history, the present and the future of the Jewish communities in the cities. This stock is the basis for the development of joint projects with cooperation partners and the Jewish Community, both at local and transnational level.
For the working group in Regensburg, the Jewish Community has provided premises in the New Synagogue. The working group consisted of experts from the fields of science, public administration, business and politics.
Capacity Building Workshop: Cultural Tourism
In a further working meeting of the workshop series, cultural tourism in general was examined in more detail. The aim of the workshop was on the one hand to learn more about tourism, especially in Regensburg: Examples of cultural tourism, new developments in cultural tourism, creative tourism as a growing trend, etc. On the other hand, this workshop was also intended to provide the opportunity for networking and new cooperations. The workshop ended on 24 May with many creative suggestions and first project ideas. True to the motto "after the workshop is before the workshop", the results will be deepened in another workshop on July 2nd and will finally lead to a portfolio of ideas, projects and "products".
Main goal of the last workshop "match-making" within the product development worshop series, was to intensive the outputs of the Capacity Building Workshop:
Exchange of experiences // Exchange of ideas for new products;
Association and cooperation of tourism and cultural stakeholders to discover tourism potential and develop new products;
Definition of messages that we want to convey with the offers and projects;
Definition of the target groups that we would like to reach mainly with the offers and projects;
Product development: use of the Business Model Canvas.
The main messages for the Rediscover products are:
Erinnerungskultur als Schlüsselaktivität;
Vermeidung von Stigmatisierung und Reduktion durch Konzentration auf den Holocaust;
Jede jüdische Gemeinde hat ihre eigene Geschichte;
Religiöser Austausch - alle Religionen, die in Regensburg vertreten sind, könnten in irgendeiner Weise einbezogen werden (aktiver Austausch zwischen den verschiedenen Religionen in Regensburg besteht bereits);
Jüdische Religion und Kultur ist seit dem frühen Mittelalter immer eine Kultur der Erinnerung - ZACHOR!
Die jüdische Gemeinde ist eine offene Kultur und ein offenes Haus;