Founded on 8 September 1993 in Fez (Morocco), the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) represents a collective intelligence on all issues related to the urban management of a World Heritage property. The OWHC connects with more than 200 cities having on their territory a site inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. All of these cities have a total population of over 164 million people. They are represented in the Organization by their mayor, with the active participation of elected municipal officials and heritage managers.
The OWHC's headquarters are located in Québec City, which hosted the First International Symposium of World Heritage Cities in July 1991.
The primary objectives of the Organization are to favor the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, to encourage co-operation and the exchange of information and expertise on matters of conservation and management as well as to develop a sense of solidarity among its member cities. To this end, the OWHC organizes World Congresses, conferences, seminars and workshops dealing with the challenges to be met in the realm of management and strategies pertaining to the preservation and development of historic cities.
For more information on the Organization of World Heritage Cities and all their international activities, please click OWHC
Regional Secretariat Northwest Europe and North America in Regensburg
There are five Regional Secretariats supporting the work of the General Secretariat. Regensburg is part of the region Northwest Europe and North Amerca and leads this Secretariat since November 2011.
The active member cities in the region work together to enhance their expertise in Heritage Management. Different conferences, workshops and training courses with an intense scientific working program offer the chance to gain personal knowledge in the working field and also have constant exchange.
Constant cooperation and a variety of regional projects aiming at special audiences like young people are the benefit for OWHC members in our region.