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15 Former Gestapo quarters

This building dates back to 1936-1938, when the NSDAP planned and erected an entire quarter for administrative offices and other authorities for the Nazi apparatus, all in the vicinity of Minoritenweg. Here they established the headquarters for the Gestapo (Secret State Police). The long-stretched "Führerbalkon" (balcony intended for the Führer) along the south facade, and the monumental fresco on the Eastern wing depicting an allegorical figure of "Justicia" express very well the National Socialist taste for totalitarian architecture.

In the pogrom night of November 9, 1938, about seventy Jewish citizens of Regensburg were brought here, and one day later taken to the Dachau concentration camp. All deportations to the town of Piaski, and from there to the extermination camps, were also coordinated in this building. The same went for the dozens and dozens of mock trials against forced labourers – often from foreign countries -, and their 'Aryan' sweethearts deemed to be committing the crime of "Rassenschande" (shaming the race). Gestapo officials from Regensburg always supervised the execution.

In 1941, several Gestapo officers spent four months checking the files of 2,344 Red Army soldiers who were captured and incarcerated here. 330 of them were stamped as intolerable ("untragbar") and executed in the concentration camp Flossenbürg. On April 23, 1945, the court-martial against the Cathedral preacher Dr. Johann Maier, Josef Zirkl and Michael Lottner also took place here.

Today the building houses the Polizeiinspektion Süd (the police station for Regensburg South). On the occasion of the commemoration on 23 April 2020, an information board was placed at the side entrance.

Polizeidirektion1Polizeidirektion2Transport nach KZ Dachau 1938