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Jewish Heritage Regensburg

Regensburg is partner in the EU Project "REDISCOVER"

Project Partner Meeting Osijek 2019 © City of Szeged

Today, the Jewish community in the Danube region faces great challenges with regard to its cultural heritage. For medium-sized cities with a smaller share of preserved Jewish cultural heritage, the communication of their cultural heritage is a considerable task. The aim is to find a way to rediscover the Jewish cultural heritage and to develop offers, communicate them and make them accessible to the public.

A total of nine cities from the Danube region are involved in this EU-wide project. It will run for three years and is largely financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme. The ERDF is one of the three major funds for regional policy in the European Union. It provides financial resources to strengthen regional and local development and to promote cooperation between European cities and regions.

The EU project REDISCOVER offers a good opportunity to strengthen existing activities to communicate the Jewish cultural heritage together with local stakeholders and especially the Jewish community. Especially in view of the annual cultural theme 2019 of the city of Regensburg "City and Society", the project can be linked even more closely with other initiatives and events and new approaches can be developed. The World Heritage Coordination of the Cultural Department of the City of Regensburg is now working closely with the project partners for the next three years to find solutions for the respective cities for the valorisation of the Jewish heritage and is looking forward to receiving feedback and ideas from the population.