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Young Travelling Scholarship 2024

Discover World Heritage Cities with a travel grant of 1.000 Euro - applications taken until 23 June 2024

Discovering World Heritage Cities - with a travel scholarship from the Organization of World Heritage Cities

The Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) is awarding a "Young Travelling Scholarship" for travel enthusiasts aged 18 to 28. For the fourth time already, this travel scholarship enables young people to get to know World Heritage cities in Europe and North America and to understand why UNESCO World Heritage is so particularly worth protecting for all of us.

Equipped with a budget of up to 1000 euros, they independently plan a trip to at least three World Heritage Cities in at least two countries. Two of the cities visited should be members of the OWHC Regional Secretariat for Northwest Europe and North America. During the trip, travelers report on their experiences in a blog and via social media. Creativity is required for a documentation of the trip experiences. A special focus will be on how World Heritage sites make the past tangible and how they link it to the future.

Interested potential travelers – also in teams of two - are invited to apply for the scholarship by 26 June 2024 latest. A letter of motivation written in English, an outline for travel planning, and a concept for an original travel documentary are required. All important information can be found on the OWHC website:

Hand in your application via email to:

OWHC Regional Secretariat Northwest Europe and North America

City of Regensburg - World Heritage Coordination

Email: ZWQuZ3J1YnNuZWdlciRjaHdv


Your contact person is Monika Göttler under +49 941 507 4452